Learn To Tie Flies
In this video series ambassador Chris Deen, aka TroutFreak brings you quick and simple tying tutorials to spark your inspiration!
Trout Hate Purple Wooly Bugger
In this segment, Chris Deen teaches us how to tie a purple wooly bugger fly pattern. In his experience, purple is just as effective as Chartreuse!
Material List:
HOOK: Size 10 Streamer hook
BEAD: 3.2 mm purple brass
THREAD: 70D black
TAIL: Purple & Black marabou
FLASH: Pearl Uni-Mylar
ABDOMEN: Black chenille, size medium
HACKLE: Black rooster from Whiting Farms Bugger Pack
Dirty Hairy- Generic Nymph Pattern
Probably the closest resembling a hare's ear, but provides enough of a difference to give you an edge on the water!
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 16 curved nymph hook
- BEAD: 2.8mm Gold tungsten
- THREAD: 70D in colour rusty brown
- TAIL: Brown rooster neck
- ABDOMEN: Turkey Quill
- THORAX: Dark Squirrel dub
- LEGS: Deer hair
- WING CASE: Deer hair, topped with UV resin
My go-to fly, my cheat pattern, my guilty sin - this is my confidence fly to help me catch some steelhead when all else is failing.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 10 streamer hook
- BEAD: 3.2mm pink
- THREAD: Black 70D
- TAIL: Pink/Black marabou
- ABDOMEN: Black ultra chenille
- RIB: 4.8lb tippet
- HACKLE: Black rooster (Whiting Farms Bugger Pack)
Micro Euro Bugger
When smaller is needed, this small "Woolly Bugger" designed to swim upside down can do just the trick. Fish it like a nymph, strip it like a streamer, jig it like a jig - this pattern is extremely versatile.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 12 jig hook
- BEAD: 3.2mm gold slotted tungsten
- THREAD: 70D black
- TAIL: Olive marabou
- FLASH: Pearl tinsel Flashabou
- ABDOMEN: Super bright light olive dubbing
- HACKLE: Size 12 grizzly/drk olive Whiting 100's by Whiting Farms
Tyler Ekdahl is a B.C native with over 10+ years experience fishing his local waters - so when he says this Chironomid is his favourite pattern, I'll take his word for it! There are over 2,500 species of chironomids found in freshwater habitats throughout North America. They are one of the most abundant food sources found in small lakes throughout our BC. Since trout, char, and even kokanee feed extensively on chironomids, these small insects make a great food source for fly-tyers to imitate.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 curved nymph hook 2X
- BEAD: 2.4mm black brass
- THREAD: 70D in colour red and black
- GILLS: White UTC Uni-Stretch
- ABDOMEN: ASB 0.75mm topped off with UV resin
- RIB: Small red wire
Olive Pheasant Tail Nymph
A Frank Sawyer design, the ever popular and versatile Pheasant Tail is a must have pattern for every fly box. You should have these in several sizes, and weights, and flip a few rocks to see what size is most suitable. Sold in just about every fly shop across the globe, it's a vital pattern you should learn to tie.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 natural bend nymph fly hook
- THREAD: Black 70D
- TAIL: Olive Pheasant tail
- ABDOMEN: Olive Pheasant tail
- RIB: Small chartreuse wire
- THORAX: Brown squirrel dub
- WING CASE: Olive Pheasant Tail
Thread-Body Stonefly
Thread-body black stonefly; one of my favourite flies for steelhead. I typically carry a box with just these in various colours, sizes and leg variations.
Material list:
- HOOK: Size 10 nymph hook
- BEAD: 3.2mm Tangerine
- THREAD: Black 70D
- TAIL: Black goose biots
- ABDOMEN: Black 70D
- RIB: Small orange wire
- THORAX: Rusty Brown ice dub
- LEGS: Black sili legs
- WING CASE: Black Scud back, strip of UV glow Orange chirony skin, topped with UV resin
Bloody Wooly Bugger
The most versatile streamer to have in your box is the Wooly Bugger. This specific pattern I refer to as the "Bloody Bugger" has been tremendously successful for me for steelhead and trout.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 10 streamer hook
- BEAD: 3.2mm red tungsten
- THREAD: 70D in colour red
- TAIL: Black marabou
- ABDOMEN: Black/Red Simi Seal dubbing
- RIB: X-Small red wire
- HACKLE: Black rooster
The Blue Winged Olive
The Blue Winged Olive, more famously referred to as a BWO, is a must have pattern for every dry fly box. Traditionally being the most effective in June in Ontario, but always keep an eye out for this hatch in the warmer months. You should have these in sizes 16, 18, and 20.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 16 dry fly hook
- THREAD: Nano silk in colour dun
- TAIL: Mayfly tail fibers in dun
- ABDOMEN: Olive turkey biot
- THORAX: Superfine dry fly dub in colour
- BWOWINGS: CDC in grey and white
Unboxing The Fly Tying Kit
Material List:
Carrot PT Nymph
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 curved nymph hook
- BEAD: 2.4 orange magic brass bead
- WIRE: Lead-free .015-inch weighting wire
- THREAD: Fluor.Orange 70DTAIL: Pheasant tail fibers
- ABDOMEN: Thread Fluor.Orange 70D
- RIB: Small gold ultra wire
- THORAX: Dark brown squirrel dub
- LEGS: Pheasant Tail
- WING CASE: Holographic Blue uni-mylar.
Fancy Caddis
My confidence flies are a mix of simplicity, functionality, and elegance.It's up to you to find your confidence fly - it'll change your fishing game forever!
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 dry fly hook
- THREAD: Yellow nano silk
- ABDOMEN: Yellow nano silk
- RIB: XS gold ultra wire
- WING CASE: Natural deer hair
Rusty Emerger variant
Emerger patterns are like the cheese in a stuffed crust pizza. Can't see it, but once you bite into it, it's full of hot, melted, oozy goodness. These patterns are designed to imitate larvae that are just about to turn into flying insects. So you can kind of see why trout love them so much.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 12 emerger hook
- HOTSPOT: Fluor. Fire Orange 70D
- ABDOMEN: Rusty Brown 70D thread
- RIB: Small orange wire
- THORAX: Grey squirrel dub
WING CASE & LEGS: Bleached elk hair
Golden Stonefly
Rainbows, salmon, steelhead, bass, you name it - they love this fly! Golden Stonefly nymphs crawl on the bottom of the river searching for food and they aggressively feed on other smaller insects. Since they live in strong fast water, the current consistently washes them away making them a prime food source.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 nymph hook
- BEAD: 3.2mm brown magic
- WIRE: Lead free 0.15-inch weighted wire
- THREAD: Rusty brown Nano Silk
- TAIL: Brown goose biots
- ABDOMEN: Stone blend dubbing with mottled oak thin skin
- RIB: Small gold wire
LEGS: Green/Pumpkin barred sili legs
John Barr's Jumbo John
Very similar to the Copper John, with a few minor changes. Main changes being the addition of rubber legs and the wire body is two toned. Barr’s Jumbo John is a heavy and life like stonefly and works well on great lakes steelhead and western trout!
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 10 Nymph hook
- BEAD: 3.2mm fluo.orange
- THREAD: Black 70D
- TAIL: Brown goose biots
- ABDOMEN: Medium gold and copper ultra wire
- THORAX: Canadian Orange Arizona semi-seal
- LEGS: Speckled hot orange centipede legs
WING CASE: Flash and brown scud-back, topped with UV resin
Blowtorch Euro Nymph
A great fly to use when you need to get into deep water in fast current. It's heavy bead, minimal materials, and slim profile help get this in front of fish that are holding deep in fast pockets of water. Also a great searching pattern as it contains enough natural features of a nymph, with enough attraction via the tail and bead, to drive fish crazy.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 jig hook
- BEAD: Hot orange slotted tungsten
- THREAD: Olive 70D
- TAIL: Orange Antron yarn
- ABDOMEN: Goose biot
THORAX: Peacock herl
Hares Ear Variant
The Hares Ear is probably one of the most highly used flies across the globe. It's a "generic" nymph that represents many mayfly and caddis nymphs. The shaggy appearance resembles when they shed their skins or shucks as they progress into their next stages. The most common method of fishing this popular fly is on a dead drift, but like most flies, you'll often get takes on the swing as well.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 emerger hook
- BEAD: Gold tungsten
- THREAD: Red 70D
- TAIL: Feather fibers from a Pheasant skin
- ABDOMEN: Light hares mask
- RIB: Small gold wire
- THORAX: Dark hares mask
- LEGS: Feather fibers from a Pheasant skin
WING CASE: Blue flash or tinsel, topped with UV resin
Skull Head Bunny Leech
Leeches are a vital source of trout food, as they are present throughout the entire season. They are especially active during the late fall & early spring when forage for other insects are scarce, as the main hatches have already run their source, or they are yet to start. The fact that leeches are always present makes them excellent for a searching pattern.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 2 Up-Eye Salmon/Steelhead hook
- THREAD: 140D in colour black
- TAIL: Rabbit Zonker strip
- ABDOMEN: Cross-cut rabbit zonker strip
- FLASH: Red flash (I typically like to match to the colour of eyes used)
- HEAD & EYES: Bait Fish Head by Fish Skull
Last Hour Emerger
A struggling fly on top water is an easy meal for hungry trout. Emergers are more enticing than a high floating dry pattern as it requires less energy and can often change your entire day.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 dry hook
- THREAD: Yellow 70D by UTC
- TAIL: Mallard Flank strands and white yarn
- ABDOMEN: Yellow 70D by UTC
- RIB: Small gold wire
- LEGS: March brown grizzly hackle by Whiting Farms
- WING CASE: Deer hair, topped with uv resin.
Flashback Backswimmer
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 12 competition nymph hook
- BEAD: Brass black nickle 2.4mm
- THREAD: Red 70D
- ABDOMEN: Peacock super bright dubbing
SHELL: Small black flash, topped with uv resin
Zuke Nukem Chironomid
This pattern uses new and old materials that put the wits of the fish to the test. Chironomid patterns are in a league of their own, with thousands of sub-species that have the most unique colours, this combo is a safety net.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 16 curved nymph hook
- BEAD: White 2.4mm tungsten
- THREAD: 70D in colour black
- BREATHERS: Silver/Gray Larva Lace
- ABDOMEN: Black Steel Chirony skin
- RIB: X-Small red ultra wire
- THORAX: Black thread
- Topped with UV resin.
Preggo Scud
This pattern cannot be overlooked as many large sized trout can be directly linked to a healthy diet of scuds. It is another foundational searching pattern that can be tied on with confidence. In lakes, it is very common for trout to swim above the weeds with their mouths wide open just inhaling scuds by the hundreds. This pattern is best worked on a slow sinking line and a slow retrieve. Olive is a sure bet as it can also represent many other aquatic invertebrates.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 14 scud hook
- THREAD: 70D in colour olive
- TAIL: Fluor.Green goose biots
- ABDOMEN: Green Olive and Fire Orange Super Bright Dubbing
- RIB: Extra-small gold wire
- LEGS: Fluor.Green goose biots
SHELL: Light-olive sow-scud back, topped with UV resin.
Egg Suckling Leech
Trout seldom pass up a juicy leech pattern. I find the “egg” in egg sucking leech to be more of a hot spot than the actuality of a leech feeding on an egg. Also, I find the pattern is most effective because of the silhouette. It can be tied in dull colours to represent leeches, damsels and dragons or tied with bright colours to be more of a lure. Either under an indicator, slow or fast sink, a go-to searching pattern in both lakes and rivers.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 12 jig hook - 60 degree
- BEAD: Orange slotted tungsten
- THREAD: 70D fluor.orange
- TAIL: Black Marabou
- FLASH: Black Super Flash
- ABDOMEN: Golden Brown Ice Dub
- RIB: Small gold wire
HACKLE: Indian Rooster Saddle - Black
Rainbow Warrior Variation
A super effective mayfly imitation but again, time and time again, this pattern will put you on fish when all else fails. This pattern can be fished in both lakes and rivers but is most predominantly used in rivers. The heavy bead and thin profile help this fly penetrate the water column as fast as possible to get to the feeding zone. When the trout are keying on a mayfly emergence, throw on a rainbow warrior for good results.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 12 jig hook
- BEAD: Rainbow 3.2mm
- THREAD: Fluor.pink 140D
- TAIL: Coq de Leon
- ABDOMEN: Rainbow Chirony Skin
- RIB: Small silver wire
THORAX: Pearl Ice Dub
Diawl Bach
Translating to “little devil”, this simple pattern holds true to its meaning. It is ideally used during a chironomid or mayfly emergence but when tied in larger sizes it can resemble damsels, dragons and caddis. Whether it is swung in a riffle or retrieved on a clear intermediate, it is hard to compare patterns more versatile than this. Simple and effective.
Material List:
- HOOK: Size 12 Togens Nymph Competition
- THREAD: 70 Denier Fluorescent Chartreuse by UTC
- TAIL: Ewing Brown Grizzly
- ABDOMEN: Peacock Herl
- RIB: Togens Rainbow Chirony Skin
- LEGS: Ewing Brown Grizzly
CHEEKS: Pearl Flashabou